Monday, June 8, 2009

this could be the month...

that when one door is closed, another opens... that defines or defies me...
where i make a change or make a mistake.. where i begin a new goal or give up on one.. that i find my way, or lose my way.

i honestly am trusting in God and relying on a new found definition of faith to bring me to my knees and for the first time do what i'm told and not what i want. i want to be more than i am, i want to be more than i think i can, i want to pushed and not pulled. i want to be a leader not a chaser of a dream. i want to leave behind things that havent moved me forward and move forward with things that wont leave me behind. god is awesome. life should have momentum.

Friday, May 1, 2009

do you ever watch that show, intervention? i do, i think is great..i mean sometimes people need help realizing that they need help..its really easy to keep doin the wrong thing or goin in the wrong direction because you are already there and its familiar, even if its wrong for you, just because you know the variables, you know the circumstances, you know the results..its comfortable, so its easy. but making a commitment, changing, and taking the time to do what you need to do to get the results is worth it...i think God's doin an intervention on me...